Who Will be teaching me?


  • Alit
    "I am an explorer of life who’s grateful for every opportunity I get to observe, grow and be of assistance to the growth of others. It is my love and mission to live life fully and authentically, without the drama and cliches. To cultivate clear and kind seeing. AND to support others in their own journey using a dynamic, playful, yet thorough approach.”


    Senior E-RYT 500 Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga teacher and mentor, Thai massage therapist, novice musician and a loving being, who has been sharing the spirit of yoga and its practice since 2010.


    Alit is known for her hands-on assists, depth and precision of teaching, and the practical clarity with which she incorporates philosophical ideas from modern yogic tradition through the physical practice and heart-to-heart conversations.

    Currently based in Mallorca, Spain, Alit leads classes, workshops, retreats, and mentorship programs locally and internationally, where alongside the bodywork, she encourages students to continuously explore themselves and life, so it can be lived in a mindful, authentic, and meaningful way.

    Her Yoga education thus far includes attending and then assisting a 600 hrs TT in Ashtanga Yoga, 200 hrs TT in Prana Vinyasa, Yoga Therapy, Yin yoga, Philosophy courses and more.

    “I am ever so thankful to all the wonderful teachers who have guided and enlightened me through the years, specifically Shimon Ben-Avi, Maty Ezraty, Ty Landrum, Mooji, Shiva Rae, Chuck Miller, and Ganesh Mohan. I am blessed to have had you in my life and only hope your lights will continue to shine through me.”

    Utilizing her business background, Alit has been sharing her insights and tools through continuing education programs for teachers, immersion courses for novice and senior practitioners, and even through launching and organizing Israel’s biggest International Yoga Festival.